In the curriculum, in addition to being given theories about elementary education, students are also equipped with teaching skills in elementary schools. Some of the courses that provide teaching skills are teaching skills and micro learning, early grade thematic learning, advanced grade thematic learning, and others. In addition, students also practice teaching in schools to gain direct experience in teaching elementary school students.


Dari responden yang mengisi survey tracer study diperoleh hasil bahwa alumni there were 79% who work as an elementary school teachers, 14% who work as kindergarten teachers, school administrators, office secretary, administration staff, sales and tutor, and 7% alumni kembangkan dwere continuing their studies. The majority of graduates work as elementary school teachers in various regions. 


The four objectives of the study programme as stated in point 1.1 have summarized the needs and desires of the department’s graduates. Based on the data of the tracer study, it is known that 4.7% of graduates found employment one month before graduation, 5.3% of graduates found employment two months before graduation, 2.9% of graduates found employment three months before graduation, 3.5% of graduates found employment between four and six months before graduation, 3.5% of alumni found employment between seven and twelve months before graduation, and 78.6% of graduates found employment between thirteen and twenty four months before graduation. Meanwhile, graduates who found employment after graduation are described as 30.1% of graduates found employment one month after graduation, 7.6% of graduates found employment two months after graduation, 7.1% of graduates found employment three months after graduation, 12.4% of graduates found employment four to six months after graduation, 3.5% of graduates found employment seven to twelve months after graduation, and 0% of graduates found employment seven to twenty four months after graduation. Based on these data, it appears that the majority of alumni found employment one month after graduation and no alumni found employment within 1 month before graduation.


Based on these data, the strategy adopted by the study programme is appropriate. Entering the final semester, students have been guided to find jobs that match their fields. Job vacancies are distributed to final year/fourth year students so that they will prepare themselves. In addition, when implementing the internship program the students can also build relationships with teachers and school principals. This good relationship makes students more confident when they are looking for work. During the study period, students are also nurtured in terms of ethics as professional teachers. The ethics are in terms of interaction with fellow teachers, with leaders, with the school environment, and with students at school so that the students can make a positive contribution in their institution when they graduate .


In addition, the study programme has a special strategy to ensure graduates get jobs. The strategy is to establish MoU with partners in elementary schools, both nationally and internationally. One of the implementations of the MoU is to provide opportunities for students to practice teaching at the partner schools.


The profile of the graduates of the Bachelor Program of Special Education Program refers to the KKNI level 6 and the analysis of market needs, namely producing educators for students with special needs and entrepreneurs. The results of the tracer study show that respondents who work as children with special needs educators have an increase of 0.3% based on the results of the survey in 2021 as many as 71.8% of respondents and in 2022 as many as 72.1% of respondents. Entrepreneurs related to children with special needs experienced an increase of 1.9% according to the results of the tracer study in 2021 with 5.1% of respondents and in 2022 of 7.0% of respondents. Field facts show that many students with special needs have been able to take part as entrepreneurs, politicians, artists, and programmers. This condition opens up job market opportunities for graduates of the Bachelor Special Education Program. Successful business opportunities created by persons with disabilities have opened up market share in the culinary, services, and home industries. Market needs and market absorption according to the results of the 2021 tracer study describe 66.7% of respondents getting jobs <6 months after graduation, while the 2022 tracer study as many as 62.8% of respondents. The suitability of the field of study with work shows 85.5% in 2022 and 84,21% in 2021.

Based on this explanation, it can be concluded that Bachelor Program of Special Education graduates are in accordance with market needs and user expectations. This is supported by the 2021 survey data on graduate users, a total of 93.5% of respondents stated that it was in accordance with the required competencies.